3 reasons top-notch infrastructure performance is critical for service providers

by | Feb 23, 2018

One of the ways to engage with customers and offer up a competitive edge is to ensure optimal performance of the services being delivered.

Much has changed in the media and technology sectors in recent years. Americans now consume entertainment in a variety of different ways on a number of different screens, and the providers that support these services with television, streaming media, internet services and more have been finding it difficult to keep up.

One of the ways to engage with customers and offer up a competitive edge is to ensure optimal performance of the services being delivered. And the best way to support these needs is with intelligent infrastructure performance monitoring like Galileo Performance Explorer.

But why should service providers consider an IPM solution? Let’s take a look at why having a proactive view into infrastructure performance is critical for today’s service providers:

1) To support existing customers and reduce churn

“The ultimate choice still rests with the customer.”

There’s no arguing against the criticality of internet access in today’s consumer environment. At the same time, customers are also seeking out providers that can support other key services, like telephone and cable. Although the current market for these kinds of providers includes a handful of highly competitive heavyweights, the ultimate choice still rests with the customer.

In this way, if one service provider can’t meet their expectations, clients can simply cancel services and move to a competitor. To avoid this from happening, service providers must ensure that they can deliver upon the promises made when customers signed up. After all, it’s easier than ever for consumers to check their services against stated agreements with speed tests available online.

2) To encourage connections with new customers

These days, it’s harder than ever for media and technology service providers to expand their customer bases, especially when it comes to entertainment offerings like cable television. In fact, one of today’s largest telecoms reported relatively unchanged subscription numbers for cable services, but considerable growth for broadband.

This isn’t difficult to understand given the trend toward cord cutting – one report predicts that by 2030, 40 percent of American households will have canceled their cable services in favor of online streaming media. In order to support these changing needs, service providers will need to remain agile, and focus on robust and continuous delivery of top-notch service performance.

Different screens on different channels floating out from central point. Consumers have changed the way they engage with entertainment and media services, and providers must keep up.

3) To support growing service portfolios

Many organizations in this sector have expanded the services they provide in order to keep up in a quickly shifting marketplace. Take Comcast, for example – while once just a cable company, this business has grown to become the largest broadband provider in America.

In order to support these types of service offering changes, providers must enable the best performance for their subscribers by balancing the capacity and performance within their own infrastructure systems.

An asset like Galileo allows service providers to have the most visibility over their most important infrastructure components, offering in-depth data pertaining to the performance and capacity of cloud, SAN, database and server environments. In this way, service providers can ensure customer-facing services have the necessary support, and that any performance issues can be addressed before they impact service delivery.

To find out more, connect with Galileo Performance Explorer for a free trial today.

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