Insurance Provider Reduces Software Licensing Costs, Saving Millions

by | Jul 5, 2022

Health Insurance
Galileo Performance Explorer; Galileo Tag Manager

In the face of escalating database software licensing costs, a leading U.S.-based insurance provider tackled the challenge head-on by leveraging Galileo’s advanced performance monitoring capabilities. With over 200 physical servers, 75% dedicated to a single application, manual analysis was impractical. Through Galileo, the organization gained comprehensive visibility into server utilization, enabling it to consolidate servers efficiently and achieve substantial cost savings. This success story highlights Galileo’s ability to optimize infrastructure and drive significant financial benefits for businesses.

The Challenge: Rising Software Licensing Costs

A large U.S.-based insurance provider was experiencing rising database software licensing costs. To reduce these costs, the organization needed to complete a comprehensive infrastructure analysis of over 200 physical servers. Seventy-five percent of these physical servers supported one software application, their database solution. Additionally, the software routinely only utilized between two and four cores despite having 24 cores on each server.

Ultimately, their goal was to determine the database host utilization and consolidate the number of hosts used. This project would help them reduce software licensing costs. However, they didn’t have the necessary visibility into this environment. It would have taken the organization weeks to gather and analyze the data manually.

200 total physical servers / 24 cores per server
75% of the physical servers supported one software application.
Between 2 and 4 cores utilized

A screenshot of the Galileo Suite, which will provide the data you need to reduce software licensing costs.

The Solution: Use Galileo Performance Data to Eliminate Waste

The insurance provider was using Galileo on a free trial basis. During a weekly touchpoint with their Galileo Technical Advocate, the organization learned how the Infrastructure Performance Management (IPM) suite could resolve its software licensing pain points.

Following the advice of their Technical Advocate, the organization’s team deployed Galileo onto its existing database hosts. Next, they leveraged the solution’s Virtual Frame Tagging feature to quickly create a database group and tag all database hosts.

This capability armed the insurance provider with complete visibility and control. They could view the aggregated total CPU, memory, network, disk, and storage utilization of every host tagged within the database group. They now had a complete roadmap to consolidate their database solution to fewer servers and reduce licensing costs.

The Results: Software Licensing Savings

Without Galileo, it would have been too complicated to manually analyze the database software utilization for consolidation. It would take weeks to complete.  

However, using Galileo, they completed this initiative in just a few days through Galileo’s advanced performance monitoring capabilities.

Let’s take a look at the final results to reduce software licensing costs:

    The insurance provider eliminated 87% of their physical servers, consolidating the database solution onto just 25 physical servers.
    The consolidation saved the organization millions in annual software licensing costs.
    The insurance provider could shrink their data center footprint, achieving savings in power, cooling, etc.

Interested in seeing how Galileo can help you uncover savings within your existing environment? Get started with a FREE 30-day Galileo Trial.

How does the Galileo 30-Day FREE Trial work?

At Galileo, we’re on a mission to change how IT teams find answers to critical questions about their infrastructure. That includes ways to keep your operational costs low by reducing software licensing.

You can get started by setting up a time with a technical resource. In just 15 minutes, we’ll gather information about the technologies you’re looking to monitor and then start prepping for your Proof-of-Concept installation. From there, you’ll have an all-access pass to a fully functional Galileo instance with YOUR data. That includes:

With our expert-guided installation, you will be ready to pinpoint potential weaknesses and slowdowns in less than 2 hours.

You’ll regularly have 1-on-1 time with our SMEs to use for product education and training or data analysis in case you encounter any issues.

At the end of your trial period, we’ll present a detailed analysis of your environment that you can use for maintenance, installations, optimizations, and upgrades.

Rest assured, we are with you every step of the way. We can’t wait to get started with you!

Galileo 3-Day FREE Trial

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