Why is Infrastructure Performance Management Such a Challenge?

by | Sep 23, 2015

It’s the question of the ages. Or at least the question since IT data centers came into being. Goodness knows, there are a boat load of platform tools available – and there is a ton of data. Yet, there is still a lot of fog floating around true IT performance analysis and management. Many of […]

It’s the question of the ages. Or at least the question since IT data centers came into being. Goodness knows, there are a boat load of platform tools available – and there is a ton of data.

Yet, there is still a lot of fog floating around true IT performance analysis and management. Many of the tools are big, unwieldy, and require a great deal of expertise. Even if you get them fully deployed and working, it requires specific experts to use the tool every day and get good at it. And as a result they get so immersed in the tool that they often miss the bigger picture.

The issue as I’ve observed it is that some tools work great if the consultant who did the implementation is on site. But as soon as the consultant(s) leave, the tools become shelf ware. The truth is that IT shops run too fast and too lean to have someone on staff for each platform tool capability. And managing tons of data – collecting it, storing it, processing it – that’s a job in and of itself.

What’s really needed is an ability to get crystal clear on performance – across the IT enterprise from top to bottom. You need to get all the data into one place, manage it all without effort, and have ready access to that information wherever and whenever needed.

Visibility is the first key principal to great performance management, and it has to be real and practical visibility to the actual practitioner – not theoretically visible. It also helps to have it on tap as insight on a daily basis to answer questions like “What do I do today?” and “What’s my biggest problem to tackle?”

View Webinar Recording
Solving these problems was the focus of our webinar last week: Solving Today’s Top 5 Performance Management Issues.

In this webinar, Mike Matchett, senior analyst for Taneja Group, along with myself and Galileo co-founder Chris Churchey, addressed key performance issues facing CIOs, data center managers, and system administrators. We believe that what we are doing at Galileo offers something different about IT performance management. We hope you will benefit from listening to our unique approach.

Questions we answer during the webinar include:

  • How can I better prevent system slowdowns?
  • How can I troubleshoot problems faster in my environment?
  • How can I best size my environment?
  • How do I keep my environment running optimally?
  • How can I gain predictive operational insight into my

We will also create a follow-up blog post in which we will answer additional questions we did not have time to answer.

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