Galileo Report Studio

Have critical metrics automatically delivered directly to your inbox with customized reports that give you instant visibility. Now that’s easy!

Galileo Report Studio screenshot

Fast infrastructure insights delivered to your inbox

Professional Setup

Let a Galileo Technical Advocate guide you in curating reports designed to help you make quick, informed decisions.

Automated Delivery

Get reports automatically delivered directly to your inbox any time you need them.


Completely Customizable

Customize your reports specifically for the way you measure your infrastructure.

Customized Reporting

Make it yours

Galileo Report Studio offers the ultimate flexibility with a visual interface and 100% customizable reporting that can be tailored to the metrics that are most important to your infrastructure.

Automated Email Delivery

Put your KPIs on auto-pilot

Sometimes you just want answers without having to log into a portal. Galileo Report Studio reports can be automatically delivered to your inbox so that you get the answers you need, when you need them.

Fast Decision-Making

Get on with your day

We know that you have a lot on your plate. That’s why we designed Galileo Report Studio to provide quick answers to help you make informed decisions so you can focus on running your business.

GRS Report Samples

From improving day-to-day operational efficiency to enabling more insightful decision-making, GRS is as varied as it is impactful.  Browse our collection of report templates to use as-is or customize to your needs.  

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