Galileo Cloud Compass Makes Calculating Cloud Costs EASY

by | Nov 22, 2021

Congratulations, you’ve been tasked with moving your workload to somebody else’s building! The “cloud” is just that: someone else’s data center. But their data center is pretty impressive (so there’s that). And, yes, while there are a million options available to you in AWS and Azure…a plethora of IT goodies, most of us will not […]

Congratulations, you’ve been tasked with moving your workload to somebody else’s building!

The “cloud” is just that: someone else’s data center. But their data center is pretty impressive (so there’s that).

And, yes, while there are a million options available to you in AWS and Azure…a plethora of IT goodies, most of us will not use any of those bells and whistles, at least initially. We have to get there first—your basic lift and shift.

AWS and Azure, the leaders in the cloud space, have made basic compute resources available in the simplest way. There is no startup time. You’ll need a VM, a network, some storage, access rules, and redundancy, and they can give you all of those core features – just like that.

Nothing is needed to get started but a login and sometimes not even a credit card. (For sure, that will come later!)

It is staggering to think how far we have come. I remember waiting weeks for servers to show up and even longer for installation and cabling. Then you need the storage guys to get off their asses to give you the good stuff, and this was all before you could even install the OS.

Now, with cloud, you just log in and click the “gimme” button. It’s like being the god of your own virtual universe! Creating virtual objects in the ether and destroying them, sometimes just for fun.

Only Stephen Hawking could appreciate Windows and Linux systems popping in and out of this cosmic cloud like some practice multiverse.

It’s easy, and it’s scary. Why scary? Because while Stephen Hawking could pontificate ad nauseam to the crowds, he never had to swipe his corporate credit card for his multiverse or wait nervously for next month’s EC2 statement.

How Do You Predict Your Cloud Costs?

Know Before You Go

How much is this virtual love-fest gonna cost you?  You don’t have a clue, do you?

Well, you can.

Like Mr. Hawking, Galileo has looked out into these nebulous clouds and sees what you can’t.

We’ve taken out all the heavy lifting.

Galileo’s latest development, Cloud Compass, will quickly evaluate your Linux and Windows servers and connected storage and compare it to the current pricing data from AWS and Azure to help you plan your foray into this strange new world.

Exact pricing is not our goal. It can’t be. Just ask anyone already in these clouds what their exact price will be before that bill lands on their desk. But with Galileo’s Cloud Compass, you can be prepared. You can know if something is way off. You can understand what it might look like before you go there and decide if it is even worth it.

How Does Galileo Cloud Compass Accurately Predict Cloud Costs?

First off, Galileo can price thousands of VMs in minutes. Minutes!

You can check different upfront costs and compare them to on-demand costs to see what options are right for you.

Think about all that’s involved in pricing just one system.

  1. First, you must understand the pricing model for each of the vendors.
  2. Next, for every asset and all attached storage, you have to run through different pricing algorithms. How much CPU, memory, and storage was actually used over the timeframe that’s most important to you?  How can you compare different time frames quickly?
  3. Then, what if your system is over-allocated? You certainly don’t want to move those to the cloud without resizing them.

    Galileo data used to right-size your environment

    Capture memory, CPU, and storage for any time period.

No problem! Galileo can quickly right-size your systems. For example, if your max CPU was only 2% over the last year, why are there 16 virtual CPUs assigned? Believe it or not, this happens a lot, and Galileo can uncover it all very quickly.

Asset Tagging Makes Calculating Cloud Costs Even More Accurate

With Galileo’s extensive asset tagging, you can evaluate different unique migration options.

Like how much the Oracle server migration will be, or maybe the customer support apps or Test and Prod environments.

GCC Cloud Savings

Asset Tagging allows you to evaluate a particular segment of your environment. In this case, by location.

Calculate Your Cloud Costs Without the Hassle

You are sitting on a rocket with one million pounds of management pressure beneath you. Don’t leave your data center without Galileo. You can chart the path before you make a move and feel better knowing you won’t blow up your career or coworkers.

It’s so easy to get this data out of Galileo.  Get out of the tedious, life-draining accounting work and back into IT. We make it EASY. You owe it to yourself to check it out.

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