Optimizing Hyperconverged Infrastructure: Health Insurance Provider Achieves Sustainable Cost Savings

by | Jun 25, 2024

Health Insurance
Galileo Performance Explorer
Organization Size
4,000 employees
United States

A leading American health insurance company was experiencing data inadequacy using native monitoring tools to monitor and optimize its hyperconverged infrastructure platform. By integrating Galileo’s advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, the company gained detailed insights into CPU, memory, and storage usage, empowering informed decision-making and enhancing operational efficiency.

The Challenge: Optimizing Hyperconverged Infrastructure Performance

A health insurance company in upstate New York, serving over 1.5 million customers, made a strategic decision to adopt a hyperconverged infrastructure platform at the core of its operations. Despite implementing this advanced system, the company encountered a significant challenge in effectively managing performance and capacity.

The data provided by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) was incomplete and lacked the necessary detail for making well-informed decisions. Specifically, the insurer needed a way to individually assess CPU, memory, and storage with respect to their redundancy factors.  Unfortunately, relying solely on the OEM-provided data did not allow for this level of analysis.

The data provided by Galileo is far superior
to what we are getting from the manufacturer’s application.
They are often reporting we are out of capacity, but Galileo consistently
proves otherwise. With Galileo, I can see accurate measurements and
trends to keep my hardware costs down.

Cloud Engineer, Health Insurance

The Solution: Galileo’s Advanced Analytics for Infrastructure Optimization

Understanding the importance of comprehensive data analytics to enhance its hyperconverged infrastructure, the insurance company looked to Galileo, a top-tier provider of advanced analytics solutions. Galileo’s platform offered unparalleled capabilities in extracting, analyzing, and reporting data, aligning perfectly with the company’s specific requirements.

Galileo’s advanced features, such as anomaly detection and customizable reporting, gave the organization accurate and detailed measurements of its infrastructure performance and enabled its IT operations leaders to monitor and evaluate its environment with precision.

The Results: Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

Integrating Galileo into the insurance provider’s infrastructure management processes yielded significant results across various aspects of its operations. They could now accurately assess CPU, memory, and storage usage, allowing for proactive capacity and performance management. Galileo provided reliable insights, unlike the manufacturer’s data, debunking false capacity alerts and empowering cost-effective decision-making.

  1. Enhanced Decision-Making:
    With accurate and detailed insights from Galileo, the company could make informed decisions regarding hardware utilization and capacity planning. The data provided by Galileo led to optimized resource allocation and reduced infrastructure costs.
  2. Proactive Issue Resolution and Minimized Downtime:
    Galileo’s real-time monitoring and anomaly detection capabilities enabled the company to promptly identify and address operational issues. With the ability to react to immediate problems and mitigate potential risks, it minimized downtime and ensured uninterrupted customer service.
  3. Long-Term Cost Savings:
    By leveraging Galileo’s analytics to assess long-term trends, the company implemented cost-effective strategies for infrastructure management. This effort included identifying areas for optimization and maximizing the ROI on hardware investments.

Adopting Galileo’s advanced analytics platform revolutionized infrastructure management practices for this large American health insurance provider. By helping them overcome the limitations of manufacturer-provided data, Galileo empowered the company to optimize performance, minimize risks, and reduce costs efficiently.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Set up a Galileo demo and change how you see your infrastructure and analyze its health – FOREVER!

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